

2023-08-08 02:06:28 编辑:join 浏览量:534


于丹 ,是一位中国当代知名文化女学者。北京师范大学教授、博士生导师、北京师范大学文化创新与传播研究院院长,北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院副院长, 国务院参事室特约研究员。著名电视策划人,被誉为中国电视业的"军师"。中共党员,北京市政协委员,中共十八大代表 。


Yu Dan, a famous contemporary Chinese cultural scholar. Beijing Normal University Professor, tutor of doctoral students, cultural innovation and Communication Research Institute president of Beijing Normal University, Beijing Normal University, associate dean of Arts and media, counsellors' office of the State Council researcher of engage by special arrangement. A famous TV producer who is known as the Chinese television industry "division". Chinese Communist Party members, Beijing municipal CPPCC members, the eighteen major representatives of the cpc.

Has to assume the task of investigating in the history of the Republic of China "," the sun also rises "," Hong Kong vicissitudes of life "and so on more than 20 large TV feature film writer;" Zhengda arts "," global "and other TV column writer; large special program" extraordinary against "total contributors, 2001, the people's Republic of China Olympic film planning.


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