

2023-12-29 13:10:06 编辑:join 浏览量:593

问题补充说明:An export company exported the goods as per the L/C issued by Milan Bank, London. The total price of the goods was US28,651,the port of destination was Monrovia. The clauses of L/C were stipulated as follows: “Either 3/3 original negotiable on board marine B/L to order &blank endorsed marked freight paid and notify K.P. & Sons. P.O. Box 1143.Monrovia, Liberia… Or Full set combined transport document evidencing goods addressed to K.P. & Sons. P.***.B***X 1143.Monrovia, Liberia…” After the shipment of the cargo on Oct 26, 2001, the company presented the full set original combined transport document in triplet, together with other required documents to the bank for negotiation. The combined transport document was issued by China Merchants Group. With K.P. &Sons as consignee but without notify party. Bank of China accepted the documents after examination. The issuing bank cabled the Bank of China on Nov 20 , refusing to make the payment. They pointed out the presented documents noted K.P &Sons as consignee but the notify party is void. However, the L/C requested a Blank B/L. Then, the bank of China and the export company checked the correspondent clauses and the file copy of transport document. Later the Bank of China cabled the issuing bank: “the shipping document we presented is a combined transport bill of lading furnished according to the second method provided in your L/C . Please make the payment as soon as possible.” The issuing bank answered in the subsequent cable: “in confirmation of our cable on Nov 20, this is to notify you that the combined transport document we requested should identify two or more than two transportation vehicles applied. The document from you only identities one kind of transportation method(port to port).








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