

2023-08-19 11:14:08 编辑:join 浏览量:538


My eyes are open wide

by the way

I made it through the day

I watch the world outside

bye the way

I am leaving out today

I just saw halley's comet shooting

Said why you always running in place?

Even the man in the moon disappears

Somewhere in the stratosphere


Tell my mother,

Tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realise

This is my life

I hope they understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying...

Sometimes goodbye

Is a second chance

Please don't cry one tear for me

I'm not afraid of

What I have to say

This is my one and only voice

So listen close,

it's only for today

I just saw hailey's comet shooting

Said why you always running in place?

Even the man in the moon disappears

Somewhere in the stratosphere


Tell my mother,

Tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realise

This is my life

I hope they understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying...

Sometimes goodbye

Is a second chance

Here's my chance

This is my chance

Tell my mother,

Tell my father

I've done the best I can

To make them realise

This is my life

I hope they understand

I'm not angry, I'm just saying...

Sometimes goodbye

Is a second chance

Sometimes goodbye

Is a second chance

Sometimes goodbye

Is a second chance

不知道是不是你要的 !


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