

2023-08-12 06:46:14 编辑:join 浏览量:579



and i wanna believe you 我想相信你

when you tell me that it'll be ok 当你告诉我会没事

ya i try to believe you 我尝试去相信你


but i don't 但是我做不到

when you say that it's gonna be 当你告诉我一切都会来临

it always turns out to be a different way 世事总是如此多变


i try to believe you 我尝试去相信你


not today, today, today, today, today...但不是今天

i don't know how i'll feel 我不知道我会有怎么样的感觉

tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow 明天

i don't know what to say 我不知道该怎么说

tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow 明天

is a different day 已经是不同的了

it's always been up to you 什么事总是由你决定

it's turning around it's up to me 现在已经改变 那是我决定的

i'm gonna do what i have to do 我要做我必须去做的

just don't 只是不

gimme a little time 给我一点时间

leave me alone a little while 让我一个人静静的呆一会儿

maybe it's not too late 也许现在还不是很晚

not today, today, today, today, today 不是今天

i don't know how i'll feel 我不知道我会有怎么样的感觉

tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow 明天

i don't know what to say 我不知道该怎么说

tomorrow(tomorrow), tomorrow 明天

is a different day 已经是不同的了

hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah

and i know i'm not ready 我知道我还没准备好

hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah

maybe tomorrow 也许明天吧

hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah

i know i'm not ready 我知道我还没准备好

hey yeah yeah, hey yeah yeah

maybe tomorrow 也许明天吧

and i wanna believe you 我想相信你

when you tell me that it'll be ok 当你告诉我会没事

i try to believe you 我尝试去相信你

not today, today, today, today, today...但不是今天

tomorrow it may change 明天也许会改变




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