当前位置:神舟问>百科问答>Xiao Q来自iang, a 12-year-old Chinese bo犯叫阳减充翻战屋盟拉斯y, has to喜o many activities. His fa360问答ther 1 hi站资待独m away from schoo

Xiao Q来自iang, a 12-year-old Chinese bo犯叫阳减充翻战屋盟拉斯y, has to喜o many activities. His fa360问答ther 1 hi站资待独m away from schoo

2023-10-18 14:10:39 编辑:join 浏览量:552

问题补充说明:Xiao Qiang, a 12-year-old Chinese boy, has too many activities. His father 1 him away from school four afternoons a week and drives him across town to practice. "I do most of my 2 in the car when we are 3 to practice, and I have to do the rest when I get home. I am too tried, I just want to sleep”. he said."More and more kids become unhappy 4 they have too many activities to do. " said Mr. Wang, an expert (专家 ) of child development. "41% of the children aged 9 -13 said they felt 5 most of the time, and more than 75 % of them said that they wished they had____6___to play. "Over-scheduling (过量的课程安排) is a growing problem for Chinese families. " said Mr. Wang. It is not good for both kids and their parents. More families eat dinner 7 or often eat fast food 8 their way to football practice or music lessons. We all know it is important for kids to learn how to relax. If they don't learn that now, it will be more difficult to learn when they get 9 . Kids need time to relax. Parents should 10 about what is right for kids.1. A. take B. takes c. took D. has taken2. A. sports B. business C. homework D. housework3. A. riding B. flying C. walking D. driving4. A. but B. or c. because D. so5. A. excited B. interested c. worried D. dangerous6. A. great time B. full time c. right time D. free time7. A. slowly B. quickly c. quietly D. happily8. A. on B. by c. in D. across9. A. taller B. stronger c. older D. better10. A. hear B. think c. look D. tell

Xiao Q来自iang, a 12-year-old Chinese bo犯叫阳减充翻战屋盟拉斯y, has to喜o many activities. His fa360问答ther 1 hi站资待独m away from schoo














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