当前位置:神舟问>百科问答>I see people with AK 47, and then biubiubiu, and then boom boom boom,people a a a and die

I see people with AK 47, and then biubiubiu, and then boom boom boom,people a a a and die

2023-07-07 01:38:33 编辑:join 浏览量:610

I see people with AK 47, and then biubiubiu, and then boom boom boom,people a a a and die

这是抖音上的一个段子,全部英文是:I see some people with ak47,they biu biu biu and they boom boom boom.people say a a a and die.You should call a car which vivo vivo vivo ~

I see people with AK 47, and then biubiubiu, and then boom boom boom,people a a a and die。



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